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#TEAM Projects

Since the 2020 pandemic, the volume of inpatient and outpatient services and treatments for child abuse have risen, however the correlation to reporting rates is alarming. This project aims to engage the community to consider the issue being more related to the lack of time the community is spending educating themselves and engaging with each other to prevent Child Abuse. Every member of the community should consider themselves mandated self-educators and with effective community engagement events and peer-to-peer support initiatives, Team Only Stronger can serve as a platform and catalyst to engage victims, their families and community champions for healing through peer-support and empowerment.


TEAM ONLY STRONGER projects aim to take more innovative and simplified approaches most consistent with past findings of effective Child Abuse prevention efforts and redirect the focus toward strategies that guide us directly toward our desired outcomes. We propose tackling the root of the problem; which is the fact that child abuse victims are often silenced by the cultural stigma associated with the topic; which allows for perpetrators to lack hesitation due to the likelihood of going unreported. We strongly believe that through commitment and involvement from the community and prevention champions, Team Only Stronger and the Projects that the brand stands for, align with the organization's mission to increase resilience, inspire prevention, and ultimately impact prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and trauma.

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